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Unlocking Career Opportunities: A CPA’s Guide to Informational Interviews

Discover how informational interviews can propel CPAs' careers forward. Learn strategies for conducting effective interviews, expanding networks, and gaining valuable industry insights. Explore preparation techniques, best practices, and future trends in networking for accounting professionals seeking career growth and new opportunities.



Informational interviews are a powerful tool for Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) to advance their careers, gain industry insights, and expand professional networks. This article explores the benefits, preparation strategies, and best practices for conducting effective informational interviews in the accounting field. It covers identifying potential interviewees, researching backgrounds, developing thoughtful questions, and following up to build lasting professional relationships. The article also discusses leveraging insights gained from these interviews for career decisions, skill development, and uncovering hidden job opportunities. Additionally, it addresses challenges CPAs may face and provides solutions for overcoming them. Future trends in networking for CPAs, including the impact of technology and emerging opportunities in non-traditional roles, are also examined.


Informational Interviews, Certified Public Accountants, Career Development, Networking, Professional Growth, Industry Insights, Career Exploration, Skill Development, Accounting Profession, Professional Relationships


The power of informational interviews in career development

Informational interviews have emerged as a powerful tool in career development, offering professionals a unique opportunity to gain insights, expand their networks, and explore new career paths (Berger, 2017). These informal conversations with industry experts provide valuable information that can shape career decisions and open doors to unexpected opportunities.

Brief overview of informational interviews for CPAs

For Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), informational interviews serve as a strategic method to navigate the complex and ever-evolving financial landscape. These interviews allow CPAs to engage with seasoned professionals, learn about emerging trends, and gain a deeper understanding of various specializations within the accounting field (Johnson & Smith, 2019).

Leveraging informational interviews for career exploration and network expansion

The primary objective of conducting informational interviews for CPAs is twofold: career exploration and network expansion. By engaging in these conversations, CPAs can:

  1. Gain insights: Obtain firsthand knowledge about different roles, industries, and career trajectories within the accounting profession.
  2. Expand professional networks: Establish meaningful connections with industry leaders and potential mentors.
  3. Explore new opportunities: Uncover hidden job prospects and emerging fields in finance and accounting.
  4. Enhance decision-making: Make informed choices about career moves, specializations, or further education based on real-world insights.

Informational interviews provide a low-pressure environment for CPAs to gather crucial information and build relationships that can significantly impact their professional growth (Davis, 2020). By leveraging these interviews effectively, CPAs can position themselves at the forefront of industry trends and create a robust foundation for long-term career success.

Background Information

Definition of Informational Interviews

Informational interviews are structured conversations between a job seeker or career explorer and an experienced professional in a specific field or organization. Unlike traditional job interviews, the primary purpose of informational interviews is to gather insights, advice, and information about a particular career path, industry, or company (Crosby, 2019). These interviews provide a unique opportunity for individuals to learn from the experiences of others and gain valuable knowledge that can inform their career decisions.

Evolution of Informational Interviews in Professional Networking

The concept of informational interviews has evolved significantly since its inception in the 1970s. Originally introduced by Richard Nelson Bolles in his book "What Color Is Your Parachute?" informational interviews were primarily seen as a tool for recent graduates and career changers (Bolles, 2020). Over time, they have become an integral part of professional networking strategies across various industries.

In the digital age, the practice of conducting informational interviews has adapted to incorporate new technologies and communication platforms. Virtual meetings and social media have expanded the reach and accessibility of these interviews, allowing professionals to connect with experts across geographical boundaries (LinkedIn, 2021).

Current Relevance for CPAs in a Changing Financial Landscape

For Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), informational interviews have become increasingly relevant in navigating the rapidly evolving financial landscape. The accounting profession is experiencing significant changes due to technological advancements, regulatory shifts, and emerging business models (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [AICPA], 2022).

  • Automation and artificial intelligence in accounting processes
  • Increased focus on data analytics and business intelligence
  • Growing demand for advisory and consulting services
  • Evolving regulatory requirements and compliance standards

In this context, informational interviews provide CPAs with a valuable tool to stay informed about industry trends, explore new specializations, and identify emerging opportunities. They offer a means to gain firsthand insights into how seasoned professionals are adapting to these changes and what skills are becoming increasingly important in the field (Deloitte, 2021).

Furthermore, as the role of CPAs continues to expand beyond traditional accounting functions, informational interviews can help professionals explore diverse career paths within finance, technology, and business strategy. This broader perspective is crucial for CPAs looking to position themselves as strategic advisors and decision-makers in their organizations (Ernst & Young, 2022).

Benefits of Informational Interviews for CPAs

Informational interviews offer numerous advantages for Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) seeking to enhance their careers and expand their professional horizons. This section explores the key benefits that CPAs can derive from engaging in informational interviews.

Gaining Industry Insights and Trends

Informational interviews provide CPAs with a unique opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge about industry trends and developments. By engaging with experienced professionals, CPAs can:

Current market dynamics: Obtain up-to-date information on the latest accounting practices, regulatory changes, and technological advancements shaping the industry (Gallo, 2015).

Emerging opportunities: Identify emerging niches and specializations within the accounting field that may offer promising career prospects.

Challenges and solutions: Learn about common challenges faced by professionals in specific roles or sectors and strategies to overcome them.

This valuable insider knowledge enables CPAs to stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions about their career trajectories (Doyle, 2020).

Exploring New Career Paths and Opportunities

For CPAs considering a career change or seeking to diversify their skill set, informational interviews serve as an excellent tool for exploration. Benefits include:

Career options: Discover various career paths within and beyond traditional accounting roles, such as forensic accounting, sustainability reporting, or financial technology (Tysiac, 2019).

Skill requirements: Gain insights into the skills and qualifications needed for different positions, helping CPAs identify areas for professional development.

Work environment: Understand the day-to-day realities of different roles and organizational cultures, aiding in making informed career decisions.

By engaging in these conversations, CPAs can make more informed choices about potential career moves and identify opportunities that align with their interests and strengths.

Building and Expanding Professional Networks

Informational interviews are an effective way for CPAs to expand their professional networks. Key advantages include:

Relationship building: Establish meaningful connections with industry professionals who can provide guidance, mentorship, or future job referrals (Zenger & Folkman, 2019).

Industry connections: Gain access to a broader network of professionals through introductions and recommendations from interviewees.

Professional associations: Learn about relevant professional associations and industry groups that can further expand networking opportunities.

These connections can prove invaluable for career advancement, collaboration opportunities, and staying informed about industry developments.

Enhancing Personal Brand and Visibility

Participating in informational interviews can significantly boost a CPA's personal brand and professional visibility. Benefits include:

Professional reputation: Demonstrate initiative, curiosity, and commitment to professional growth, enhancing one's reputation within the industry.

Thought leadership: Share insights and engage in meaningful discussions, potentially positioning oneself as a thought leader in specific areas of expertise.

Referral opportunities: Increase the likelihood of being recommended for job openings or professional opportunities by leaving a positive impression on interviewees (Petrone, 2018).

By consistently engaging in informational interviews, CPAs can elevate their professional profile and create a strong personal brand within the accounting community.

Preparing for an Informational Interview

Proper preparation is crucial for conducting successful informational interviews. This section outlines key steps Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) should take to ensure they make the most of these valuable networking opportunities.

Identifying Potential Interviewees

The first step in preparing for an informational interview is identifying suitable interviewees. CPAs should consider professionals who hold positions or work in areas of interest. Potential sources for identifying interviewees include:

  • Professional associations (e.g., American Institute of Certified Public Accountants)
  • Alumni networks
  • LinkedIn connections
  • Industry conferences and events
  • Referrals from colleagues or mentors

When selecting potential interviewees, consider their expertise, career trajectory, and relevance to your professional goals (Doyle, 2021).

Researching the Interviewee and Their Organization

Once potential interviewees are identified, thorough research is essential. This step helps CPAs demonstrate genuine interest and ask informed questions during the interview. Key areas to research include:

Professional background: Review the interviewee's LinkedIn profile, company bio, and any published articles or presentations.

Organization: Investigate the company's history, mission, recent news, and industry standing.

Industry trends: Stay informed about current developments and challenges in the interviewee's field.

This research not only prepares you for the interview but also helps identify common ground and potential talking points (Dorio, 2020).

Developing a List of Thoughtful Questions

Preparing a list of well-crafted questions is crucial for a productive informational interview. Questions should be open-ended and designed to elicit insights not readily available through online research. Some examples include:

  • How did you transition from traditional accounting roles to your current position?
  • What skills do you find most valuable in your current role that you didn't anticipate needing?
  • How do you see the role of CPAs evolving in your industry over the next five years?
  • What professional development activities have you found most beneficial in your career?

Tailor questions to the interviewee's specific experience and your career interests (Zao-Sanders & Palmer, 2019).

Setting Clear Objectives for the Interview

Before the interview, establish clear objectives to guide your conversation and ensure you gain the information most valuable to your career development. Objectives might include:

Career path insights: Understanding the interviewee's career progression and decision-making process.

Industry knowledge: Gaining deeper insights into specific sectors or emerging trends in accounting.

Skill development: Identifying key competencies needed for success in particular roles or industries.

Network expansion: Building a meaningful professional connection and potentially gaining introductions to other industry professionals.

Having clear objectives helps focus the conversation and ensures you make the most of the limited time available (Cruzvergara & Dey, 2018).

By thoroughly preparing for informational interviews, CPAs can maximize the value of these networking opportunities, gaining crucial insights and expanding their professional networks effectively.

Conducting the Informational Interview

Establishing rapport and making a positive first impression

When conducting an informational interview, establishing rapport and making a positive first impression are crucial for creating a comfortable and productive conversation. Begin by arriving on time or logging in early for virtual meetings, demonstrating respect for the interviewee's schedule (Doyle, 2021). Dress professionally and maintain a friendly, confident demeanor. Start with a brief introduction and express genuine appreciation for the interviewee's time and willingness to share their insights.

Asking insightful questions

Prepare a list of thoughtful, open-ended questions that demonstrate your research and genuine interest in the interviewee's experience and expertise. Focus on questions that elicit valuable insights about the industry, career path, and professional challenges. For example:

Career trajectory: "Could you describe your career path and the key decisions that led you to your current role?"

Industry trends: "What emerging trends do you see shaping the accounting profession in the next five years?"

Skills and competencies: "What skills or certifications have been most valuable in your career progression?"

Avoid asking questions that can be easily answered through online research or those that may make the interviewee uncomfortable, such as specific salary information (Zao-Sanders & Palmer, 2019).

Active listening and note-taking techniques

Practice active listening by maintaining eye contact, nodding, and providing verbal cues to show engagement. Paraphrase key points to ensure understanding and demonstrate attentiveness. Take concise notes during the interview, focusing on capturing important insights, advice, and potential follow-up actions. Consider using a note-taking method that allows you to maintain eye contact and engagement, such as the Cornell method or mind mapping (Gallo, 2020).

Respecting the interviewee's time and boundaries

Be mindful of the agreed-upon time frame for the interview. Monitor the time and begin wrapping up the conversation a few minutes before the scheduled end. If the interviewee seems willing to continue beyond the allotted time, politely ask if they have a few more minutes to spare. Respect any topics or questions the interviewee declines to discuss, and avoid pressing for confidential information or personal details (Dorie, 2019).

At the conclusion of the interview, express your gratitude once again and inquire about the possibility of staying in touch or connecting on professional networking platforms. This sets the stage for future interactions and relationship building.

Follow-up and Relationship Building

Effective follow-up and relationship building are crucial components of successful informational interviews for Certified Public Accountants (CPAs). These practices not only demonstrate professionalism but also help solidify connections and create lasting professional relationships (Doyle, 2021). This section explores key strategies for maintaining and nurturing these valuable connections.

Sending a thank-you note or email

Expressing gratitude promptly after an informational interview is essential for leaving a positive impression and reinforcing the connection. A well-crafted thank-you note or email should be sent within 24-48 hours of the meeting (Pollak, 2019). When composing the message:

  • Express sincere appreciation for the interviewee's time and insights
  • Reference specific points from the conversation that were particularly valuable
  • Reiterate your career goals and how the information gained will be helpful
  • Indicate your interest in staying connected

A personalized approach in your thank-you message can significantly impact the recipient's perception and willingness to maintain contact (Doyle, 2021).

Connecting on professional networking platforms

In today's digital age, professional networking platforms play a crucial role in maintaining and expanding professional relationships. LinkedIn, in particular, has become an indispensable tool for CPAs to connect with industry professionals (Kaplan, 2020).

  • Send a personalized connection request, referencing the informational interview
  • Follow the interviewee's company and relevant professional groups
  • Engage with their posts through likes, comments, and shares
  • Share relevant content that might interest your new connection

By actively engaging on these platforms, CPAs can stay on the radar of their informational interview contacts and continue to build their professional network (Kaplan, 2020).

Maintaining ongoing communication

Sustaining a professional relationship requires consistent effort and genuine interest. Regular, meaningful communication can help CPAs nurture these connections over time (Pollak, 2019).

  • Share relevant articles, industry news, or insights that might interest your contact
  • Provide updates on how you've applied their advice or insights
  • Congratulate them on professional achievements or company milestones
  • Seek their opinion on industry trends or challenges you're facing in your work

The key is to strike a balance between staying in touch and being respectful of the other person's time and boundaries (Doyle, 2021).

Offering value in return

A mutually beneficial relationship is more likely to endure. CPAs should actively seek ways to provide value to their informational interview contacts (Kaplan, 2020).

  • Share relevant job openings or business opportunities you come across
  • Introduce them to other professionals in your network who might be valuable connections
  • Offer your expertise or assistance on projects or initiatives they mention
  • Provide testimonials or recommendations for their work, if appropriate

By consistently offering value, CPAs can transform a one-time informational interview into a long-lasting professional relationship that benefits both parties (Pollak, 2019).

Leveraging Insights from Informational Interviews

Applying gained knowledge to career decisions

Informational interviews provide Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) with valuable insights that can significantly influence their career decisions. By engaging in these conversations, professionals can gain a deeper understanding of various roles, industries, and career paths within the accounting field (Gallo, 2015). This knowledge allows CPAs to make more informed choices about their professional trajectory.

One key aspect of applying gained knowledge is the ability to compare and contrast different career options. For instance, a CPA might learn about the distinctions between working in public accounting versus private industry, or the nuances of specializing in tax versus audit. This information can help professionals align their career choices with their personal goals and values (Bolles, 2019).

Identifying skill gaps and areas for improvement

Through informational interviews, CPAs can gain a clearer picture of the skills and competencies required for success in various roles or industries. This insight is invaluable for identifying personal skill gaps and areas for improvement (Doyle, 2020). For example, a CPA might discover that data analytics skills are increasingly important in forensic accounting, prompting them to pursue additional training in this area.

  • Technical accounting skills
  • Soft skills such as communication and leadership
  • Industry-specific knowledge
  • Technological proficiency

By recognizing these areas for growth, CPAs can proactively enhance their skill set, making themselves more competitive in the job market and better prepared for future career opportunities.

Uncovering hidden job opportunities

One of the most significant benefits of informational interviews is the potential to uncover hidden job opportunities. Many positions are filled through networking and personal connections before they are ever publicly advertised (Ceniza-Levine, 2018). By building relationships through informational interviews, CPAs can position themselves to learn about these unadvertised openings.

Moreover, informational interviews can lead to the discovery of roles or career paths that a CPA may not have previously considered. For instance, a conversation with a professional in a niche area of accounting might reveal exciting opportunities that align with the CPA's interests and skills.

Refining career goals and aspirations

As CPAs gather information and insights from various professionals in their field, they can refine their career goals and aspirations. This process of continuous learning and reflection allows for a more targeted and purposeful approach to career development (Ibarra, 2018).

  • Adjusting short-term and long-term objectives
  • Reevaluating desired work environments or company cultures
  • Exploring new specializations or areas of focus within accounting
  • Considering entrepreneurial opportunities in the accounting field

By leveraging the insights gained from informational interviews, CPAs can create a more focused and achievable career plan that aligns with their evolving professional aspirations and the current landscape of the accounting industry.

Challenges and Solutions

Overcoming nervousness and anxiety

Informational interviews can be intimidating, especially for those new to the process. To overcome nervousness and anxiety, CPAs can employ several strategies. Preparation is key; thoroughly researching the interviewee and their organization can boost confidence (Bolles, 2019). Additionally, practicing responses to common questions and rehearsing the interview with a friend or mentor can help alleviate anxiety. Mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, can also be effective in managing stress before and during the interview (Kabat-Zinn, 2013).

Dealing with rejection or non-responses

Rejection and non-responses are common challenges in the informational interview process. To address this, CPAs should adopt a persistent yet respectful approach. Following up once or twice after the initial request is appropriate, but it's crucial to respect the other person's time and decision (Green, 2017). Diversifying outreach efforts and targeting a broader range of professionals can increase the chances of securing interviews. It's important to remember that rejection is not personal and to maintain a positive attitude throughout the process.

Balancing informational interviews with current work responsibilities

Managing time effectively is crucial for CPAs juggling informational interviews with their current work duties.

Strategies include:

  • Scheduling interviews during lunch breaks or after work hours
  • Utilizing weekends for preparation and follow-up tasks
  • Prioritizing interviews based on their potential value to career goals
  • Communicating openly with supervisors about professional development activities

Effective time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique, can help CPAs allocate focused time for interview-related tasks without compromising work performance (Cirillo, 2018).

Maintaining professional boundaries

While informational interviews can lead to valuable connections, it's essential to maintain professional boundaries. CPAs should be clear about the purpose of the interview and avoid asking for job opportunities directly (Zack, 2016).

Best practices include:

  • Respecting the interviewee's time by adhering to the agreed-upon duration
  • Avoiding overly personal questions or topics
  • Maintaining a professional demeanor throughout the interaction
  • Being mindful of the interviewee's privacy and confidentiality concerns

By setting clear expectations and maintaining professionalism, CPAs can ensure that informational interviews remain productive and respectful for all parties involved.

Best Practices for CPAs

Tailoring Approaches for Different Accounting Specialties

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) operate in various specialties, each with unique characteristics and requirements. When conducting informational interviews, it is crucial to tailor the approach based on the specific accounting field of interest. For instance, a CPA interested in forensic accounting should focus on questions related to investigative techniques and legal aspects, while one exploring tax accounting might inquire about recent tax law changes and compliance issues (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [AICPA], 2022).

  • Research the specific specialty thoroughly before the interview
  • Prepare questions that demonstrate knowledge of the field's current challenges and trends
  • Seek insights on the skills and certifications most valued in that specialty

Utilizing Professional Associations and Alumni Networks

Professional associations and alumni networks are invaluable resources for CPAs seeking informational interviews. Organizations such as the AICPA and state CPA societies often provide networking events and mentorship programs that facilitate connections with experienced professionals (National Association of State Boards of Accountancy [NASBA], 2021). Alumni networks, particularly those from accredited accounting programs, can offer a shared background that fosters more open and candid conversations.

  • Attend industry conferences and workshops to meet potential interviewees
  • Participate in online forums and discussion groups related to specific accounting specialties
  • Utilize alumni databases to identify professionals in desired roles or companies

Incorporating Informational Interviews into Ongoing Professional Development

Informational interviews should not be viewed as isolated events but as an integral part of a CPA's continuous professional development. By regularly engaging in these conversations, CPAs can stay abreast of industry changes, emerging technologies, and evolving best practices (Tysiac, 2020). This ongoing learning process contributes to the 150 hours of continuing professional education (CPE) required for CPAs over a three-year period in many states.

  • Set a goal for a specific number of informational interviews per quarter or year
  • Use insights gained to inform CPE course selection
  • Document key learnings from each interview to track professional growth over time

Ethical Considerations and Confidentiality

CPAs must adhere to strict ethical standards, including maintaining client confidentiality, even during informational interviews. It is essential to respect the boundaries of professional ethics and avoid discussing specific client information or proprietary company data (AICPA, 2021). Additionally, CPAs should be transparent about their intentions for the informational interview and avoid any appearance of soliciting business or seeking employment unless explicitly agreed upon.

  • Review the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct before conducting interviews
  • Obtain permission before sharing any information from the interview
  • Maintain professional boundaries and avoid conflicts of interest

By following these best practices, CPAs can maximize the benefits of informational interviews while upholding the high standards of their profession. These strategies not only enhance the quality of the interactions but also contribute to the overall professional growth and ethical conduct expected of CPAs in today's dynamic financial landscape.

Future Trends in Networking for CPAs

The impact of technology on professional networking

The rapid advancement of technology has significantly transformed the landscape of professional networking for Certified Public Accountants (CPAs). Digital platforms and social media have become integral tools for building and maintaining professional relationships (Benson et al., 2019). LinkedIn, for instance, has emerged as a primary platform for CPAs to showcase their expertise, connect with industry peers, and explore career opportunities. Virtual networking events and webinars have also gained prominence, allowing CPAs to expand their networks beyond geographical boundaries (Smith, 2021).

Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI-powered networking tools are revolutionizing how CPAs identify and connect with potential contacts. These tools can analyze vast amounts of data to suggest relevant connections based on shared interests, career trajectories, and industry specializations (Johnson, 2022).

Blockchain technology: As blockchain continues to impact the accounting profession, networking within this niche is becoming increasingly important. CPAs with blockchain expertise are forming specialized networks to share knowledge and collaborate on innovative projects (Brown, 2020).

Emerging opportunities in non-traditional accounting roles

The evolving business landscape has created new opportunities for CPAs beyond traditional accounting roles. This shift has necessitated a change in networking strategies to align with these emerging career paths.

Data analytics: CPAs with strong data analysis skills are increasingly sought after for roles in business intelligence and strategic decision-making. Networking with professionals in data science and analytics has become crucial for CPAs looking to transition into these roles (Wilson, 2021).

Sustainability accounting: With the growing emphasis on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting, CPAs are finding new opportunities in sustainability accounting. Networking with sustainability experts and joining relevant professional associations can help CPAs position themselves in this emerging field (Green, 2022).

Technology consulting: As businesses continue to digitize their financial processes, CPAs with technology expertise are in high demand. Networking with IT professionals and attending technology-focused accounting conferences can open doors to consulting opportunities (Taylor, 2020).

The growing importance of soft skills in the accounting profession

While technical expertise remains crucial, the accounting profession is increasingly recognizing the value of soft skills. This shift is reflected in networking trends and the types of connections CPAs are prioritizing.

Communication skills: The ability to clearly explain complex financial concepts to non-financial stakeholders is becoming a key differentiator for CPAs. Networking with professionals from diverse backgrounds can help CPAs hone their communication skills and learn to adapt their language to different audiences (Harris, 2021).

Leadership and management: As CPAs progress in their careers, leadership skills become increasingly important. Networking with seasoned executives and participating in leadership development programs can help CPAs prepare for management roles (Lee, 2022).

Emotional intelligence: The ability to understand and manage emotions, both one's own and others', is gaining recognition as a critical skill in the accounting profession. CPAs are increasingly seeking mentors and connections who can help them develop emotional intelligence (Thompson, 2020).

In conclusion, the future of networking for CPAs is characterized by technological innovation, diversification of career paths, and an increased focus on soft skills. By adapting to these trends, CPAs can build more effective and diverse professional networks that support their career growth and adaptability in a rapidly changing business environment.


Recap of Key Strategies for Successful Informational Interviews

Informational interviews are a powerful tool for Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) seeking to advance their careers and expand their professional networks. To maximize the benefits of these interactions, CPAs should focus on several key strategies.

Preparation: Thoroughly research the interviewee and their organization, develop thoughtful questions, and set clear objectives for the meeting (Zenger & Folkman, 2020).

Professionalism: Maintain a respectful and courteous demeanor throughout the interview, demonstrating genuine interest in the interviewee's insights and experiences (Doyle, 2021).

Active Listening: Engage fully in the conversation, asking follow-up questions and taking notes to capture valuable information (Gallo, 2019).

Follow-up: Send a prompt thank-you message and maintain professional connections through appropriate channels (Petrone, 2018).

Reinforcement of the Value of Informational Interviews for CPAs

The value of informational interviews for CPAs cannot be overstated. These conversations provide unique opportunities for career exploration, industry insight, and professional growth. By engaging in informational interviews, CPAs can gain a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving financial landscape.

Industry Trends: Stay abreast of emerging technologies and regulatory changes affecting the accounting profession (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [AICPA], 2022).

Career Opportunities: Uncover potential career paths and specializations within the field of accounting (Tysiac, 2021).

Network Expansion: Build meaningful professional relationships that can lead to mentorship, collaboration, or future job opportunities (LinkedIn, 2020).

Call to Action: Encouraging CPAs to Incorporate Informational Interviews into Their Career Development Plans

As the accounting profession continues to evolve, it is crucial for CPAs to proactively manage their career development. Incorporating informational interviews into your professional growth strategy can yield significant benefits.

Set Goals: Establish specific objectives for conducting informational interviews, such as exploring new specialties or expanding your network in a particular industry sector (Korn Ferry, 2021).

Schedule Regularly: Aim to conduct informational interviews on a consistent basis, perhaps quarterly or bi-annually, to maintain a pulse on industry trends and opportunities (Dorie Clark, 2019).

Reciprocate: Offer to be a resource for others seeking informational interviews, fostering a culture of knowledge sharing within the accounting community (Harvard Business Review, 2018).

By embracing informational interviews as a core component of their career development plans, CPAs can position themselves for long-term success in an increasingly competitive and dynamic professional landscape.


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